Trivial Pursuit

I finally won my first game of Trivial Pursuit! In your face, past Me! Booya. I was excited until Jenny pointed out that I beat our kids at Trivial Pursuit Junior. Well, shit. Now I’m feeling slightly less awesome. No. Screw that. I had fun, and that’s all that matters. My wife and kids played

When Meds Attack

Today is weird. I woke up feeling great. I had a responsible breakfast, and took my medication. I did my normal, but now I feel faint and sick. I’ve done a pretty decent amount of sitting on the stairs instead of going up and down all at once. I can only attribute this to my

For You, Anything

I am regularly caught by surprise by parenthood. Sometimes, my brain just kicks in, and I’m just sitting there thinking, “Did I just do that?” Sometimes it’s awesome. Every once in a while, you just have to be able to stop trying so hard. Yesterday was one of those days. Quietly coaching the Boy about