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Committing Multiple Suicides [Now Theoretically Possible]

So, here I am, working away my day, and my beautiful and amazing wife shared a video. It was cute, and lovey, but also super sciencey. Science-ish. Sort of related to Science. Well, actually quite scientific. Aha! Scientific is the word, there. “…also super scientific.” Check it out, it’s only a few minutes:   Now,

I was born this way, babe. Photo: Rory Bristol

Upon Further Reflection Re: Gay Rights

After a full day of love, hate, confusion, and stupid threats, I am happy today, thinking about the SCOTUS decision in ruling it unconstitutional for states to prohibit gay marriage. I’m still laughing, smiling, and enjoying the responses and overwhelming humor flying around the Internet. Here are some of my favorite Tweets: @SethMacFarlane Each new