I Wish I Could Do More.

Sunday night, I went to bed freezing cold. Ten minutes later, I was covered in sweat, and crying. Migraine City, population: me. That’s not what this post is about though, I’m just explaining why I didn’t write anything yesterday. Oh yeah, when I woke up, my best friend George was calling. I answered the phone

I Drove A Car!

I know most of you will find this hard to believe, but I almost never drive. If you had to drive a certain number of hours per year to maintain a licence, then I wouldn’t have one. I don’t own my own car, and Jenny drives everywhere. There are multiple reasons for this. 1) I

Sometimes, Nothing Works

After yesterday’s post ran, I got some very valid, albeit emotional, responses. These responses indicate a terrible truth about mental illness. Sometimes, there is no help to be had. I am lucky. My meds work, I’m mostly okay, and I can mostly control myself. This isn’t the case for everyone. Some people just don’t respond to medication,


I’ve remembered something about myself over the last year: I’m an awesome cook. When I was a little kid, both of my grandmothers wanted me to know how to cook. I don’t know why. Probably because they both liked cooking. But I know them both well enough to know that they didn’t get together and