You are strong and you can help yourself. Here are the leading tools for improving your mental health.

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook, also known as DBT, is a workbook for learning mindfulness, interpersonal skills, emotion management, and disaster recovery. I cannot endorse this one enough. It lives on my desk, and every therapist (and most doctors) I’ve ever known suggests it. It can’t replace a care-team completely, but it is a great tool for helping yourself.

The DBT Workbook for Anxiety, focuses on Anxiety, PTSD, and Panic. I’ve not done this one yet, but it is the standard for treating and recovering from anxiety.

Exercise cannot be replaced with anything else. It is a key component to a complete mental health treatment program. You don’t have to wait for a therapist to tell you to get fit. Just do it. You brain (and waist) will thank you. Exercise improves mental clarity, mood balance, and physical energy, all critical to living a healthy life. I suggest Exercise for Mood and Anxiety: Proven Strategies for Overcoming Depression and Enhancing Well-Being as a great starting point.

Finally, keep a written record of any kind regarding your questions about your health, both physical and mental. Follow your medication routine strictly, and be honest with your care team to make sure you’re being helped.

The buck stops with you. Push for great care, and don’t give up on yourself. You can do this.