The Writing Conundrum

Over the last several years, I’ve been writing two series of fiction books, along with my series of non-fiction books on mental and behavioral health. I’m quickly reaching a point where I have to prioritize which books I think will be published quickly, and for a reasonable contract. It’s mind-bogglingly difficult to decide which of

Sochi is a Disaster

I’m having such a good laugh over the Sochi Problems. Not only are they drastically under-prepared, but the 5 ring lights only lit 4 rings, the torch went out, and hundreds of thousands of reports are coming in of unsafe environment. Some of my favorites (aka reasons I’m not watching the Olympics this year): Killing loads

Death is Everywhere

I’ve been thinking about the deaths of my loved ones today. No surprise, considering 3 people, a cat, and a dog have passed away since last spring. Yesterday, we had a small funeral for our cat Isabella, under a light grey sky. As we put her in the ground it started to snow, a slightly


There are a few things that set off our little red flags around here. Most of them have to do with me being manic. This is likely due to the several hospital visits and self-inflicted injuries over the last couple of years. Or because I’m more likely to stab someone with a fork when I’m