Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary, so Jenny and I went to Flagstaff, AZ, to have brunch at Little America Hotel. We then enjoyed a scenic drive home, and enjoyed the little fall foliage Arizona has to offer. I had a blast.
I was also manic as hell. I missed my meds on Saturday night, so I was off all day. We enjoyed ourselves a lot, but we also got some business done. Jenny and I resolved to do NaNoWriMo this year. This came from a conversation started while walking around a campground. I told Jenny the plots to all three of my planned fiction books, and she asked why I hadn’t ever written it down. It struck me, I don’t ever remember this series, unless I’m manic!
So as soon as we got home, I typed. I wrote out the plots to all my books. Then I wrote out summaries for the first book’s chapters. Jenny and I have resolved to give ourselves a more structured work day, in the effort to “win” NaNoWriMo this year.
This morning marks my first early wake up. I hope I can keep the steam up, while I’m not manic! Have a good week, all.
Amy Purdy
Jenny Williams