Blah. Boogers.
Sorry I’ve dried up a bit. Pain, depression, lots of pain relievers, and a number of other things add up to me not being able to focus very well. I’ve gotten nothing done in days, and I’m just plain tired all the time. Yesterday, I also got a flu shot, and that drained me pretty well.
I still can’t eat much, so my diet has mostly consisted of soft pastries, apple juice, and lime sherbet. That much sugar has only played into my depression, because sugar is terrible for depression. It just makes me crave worse foods, and makes me feel fat. Then I get more depressed, and I want to eat more sugar. Also, sugar lowers my pain tolerance, and that makes me cranky, and makes it harder to eat, so I end up eating more sherbet and juice, because more complex foods are too much. So, the cycle continues.
I know I’m rambling, and I’m sorry. I promise to astound you all in the near future, or something. I love you guys, thanks for being patient. Carry on.